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Membership Registration

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Membership fees are non refundable. Member be atleast 18 years of age. Funds received from Corporations, Charitable Trust Funds, Associations or any entitites shall not be considered towards membership dues. Funds received from any individuals on behalf of a third party shall not be considered towards memberships dues. A third party is one who is not member (husband or wife or children) family.
Member Type *
Grand Patron - $5000 Patron - $1000 Life - $50 ($100)
First Name : *
Last Name : *
M I :
Profession :
Email Address : *
Address 1 : *
Address 2 :
City : *
State : *
Zip : *
Home Phone :
Mobile Phone : *
Marital Status *
Spouse First Name : *
Spouse Last Name : *
Spouse Mobile :
Spouse Email Address : *

Name of the children Relation

Additional Info/Comments :
Referred By : (If no one referred, enter "Self") *
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Card Type *
Card Holder Name *
Card Number *
Exp. Date * (mm/yyyy)
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