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Adopt a Village and Support your Motherland

Adopt a Village and Support your Motherland: there are six different categories these are strictly based upon individual or group contribution/donation to the approved non for profit organization or institution supported by appropriate documentation either here in the USA or in India. ATA may help to get matching funds from the district or state of the Andhra Pradesh, where feasible or available.

However, ATA Foundation will not take any responsibility in the success or failure, any irregularities or penalties in any project sponsored by individual or group, who donated money through our ATA.

Adopt A Village - Support Your Motherland

  • Communications
  • Cottage Industry & Farming
  • Health
  • Roads & Sewage, save water
  • School Development
  • Spirituality

Project Sponsorship Form

  1. These are either one time donation or continually supported by ATA.
  2. Appropriate funds are to be raised by ATA Members to support these programs if more than $5000
  3. ATA can donate where and when necessary up to$2500 by President (with information sent to Board Members) or if ATA donates more than $2500, it needs 2/3 approval by the Board.

Please complete the following form and mail it to ATA Office.
